The mundane Monday by Jackie Kabir

9:00am THE day was like any other working day. Walked into the office, greeted everyone and sat at my desk to do my work. 5:00 pm IN THE car on my way back home. The traffic moving at the speed of a snail, sometimes not moving at all. I spied the car next to mine, a couple chatted away. The rickshaw puller behind the car swore at the one in front of him as he pushed the vehicle forward on its front wheel. I looked at my watch, need to get home, take a shower and head back to a meeting that the chairman had called at his place. 7:30pm I WAS waiting for the meeting in my chairman’s living room. Kashem Mia, my cook cum cleaner cum guard called me. I answered my phone. ‘What is it Kashem Mia?’ ‘There is someone named Shila from Canada who wants to see you.’ ‘Well Kashem Mia, I am at the house of my boss, waiting for him and others for a meeting. Tell her I won’t have time today. And Shila..umm I don’t think I know anyone by that name.’ There must have been a bit of annoyance in my voice...