Baromashi or baromaishya are songs sung by rural women narrating their agony of being away from their loved ones. The songs usually describe the state of a woman in different seasons while her loved one is missing. As the song mentions, baromashi means 'of twelve months.' Even though there are many baromashi songs which have become famous and are often sung by renowned artists, there are very few books on baromashi. Some writers have collected and compiled them in the form of research works. Prof Razia Sultana is one of them. In her slim volume, Shahitya Bikkon, published by Bangla Academy in June 1998, she has dedicated a chapter to Baromashi literature. Purbanga Geetika or East Bengal Ballad by Dinesh Chandra Sen has compiled over fifty ballads which were carried on verbally from generation to generation in different parts of Bangladesh. The ballads were composed by illiterate people of the villages with their collective wisdom as early as the 14th century. Chandra Kumar ...